Express Your Design Flair with Outdoor Railings

railing installation on blue house with red door

When it comes to delineating the ideal outdoor space for dining, gatherings or simply appreciating your property, outdoor railings can be the ultimate way to create your personal enclave. Railings can help create dining and entertainment areas, set a pool or barbecue space apart from the rest of the yard, or provide attractive safety infrastructure for raised patios and decks so you can get more enjoyment from your home, or encourage more visits from your customers, in the case of a commercial space.

Outdoor railings come in a variety of materials and styles, so it’s possible to create whatever artistic look you’re seeking. These options include:

Wrought iron. The biggest advantage of using wrought iron for fencing is its intrinsic strength, which has earned it the nickname “One Hundred Year Fencing.” (In some parts of the world, it’s easy to find examples of wrought iron fencing that has lasted hundreds of years.) Wrought iron is extremely durable and long-lasting, which makes it an ideal material for outdoor applications that require a fencing material that can stand up to the elements for decades. Its super strength also makes it less likely to bend, break or become otherwise damaged compared to other materials, so it’s one of the lowest-maintenance materials you can choose. (And, if it does become damaged, it’s easy to replace small areas without having to rip out significant portions of the initial installation.) In addition, wrought iron brings a classic, stately and traditional look to any home, enhancing the home’s value and curb appeal.

Aluminum. Aluminum is another excellent choice for outdoor railing projects. Aluminum is a non-ferrous metal, which means it won’t rust or corrode. It’s also strong but lightweight and can be rendered into a variety of design options, even ones that mimic more expensive options such as wrought iron. It’s also ideal for sleeker and more modern looks. Aluminum has one of the highest strength-to-weight ratios of any deck railing materials, and your fence will last for decades with minimal care. Aluminum railings come in a variety of colors that will suit your design dreams and can be styles as complex or as simple and understated as you want them.

Glass. If you’re looking for an option that will really set your outdoor dining area or yard patio off with modern style, it’s glass. Glass fencing, with or without frames and railings, is a great way to create personal space without making your guests feel “boxed in,” and it’s surprisingly durable and easy to maintain.

Choose a Railing Specialist

Connecticut-based Aladdin Inc. offers aluminum, wrought iron railings, handrails and rails for stairways, porches, decks, dining areas and more. With over a half century of experience and proven results, Aladdin has become one of Connecticut’s leading railing installers. Providing innovative designs, outstanding customer service, and expert installation, Aladdin is the region’s first choice for homes and businesses. We’ll work with you to pick out the right railing with the right look at the right price for your home or business railing needs.


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