Upgrade Your Front Steps: Small Changes with a Big Impact

aluminum porch railings

If you’re looking for an easy way to update your home in a big way, adding elements to your front steps is the perfect place to start. It’s been proven that small changes can have a large impact on the overall look and feel of your house—and there are plenty of ways you can use railings, lighting, vertical elements, and more to spruce up your front steps. Here are some considerations:


Updating your stair railings is a great way to add style, improve safety and give your front steps a finished look.  While railings are typically made from wood, metal, or plastic – favor aluminum railings and wrought iron railings for their benefits and beauty.  Wood doesn’t withstand the elements quite like these so it’s important to do your research.


Lighting is a great way to make your entryway feel safer and more welcoming. You can even add lights that are powered by solar or batteries to make the project a super quick and efficient one.

If you want even more impact, consider installing outdoor spotlights with motion sensors so that they turn on whenever someone approaches the steps at night. This will make it easier for guests to find their way up the stairs while also providing extra visibility from a distance, which is important if there are cars parked nearby or pedestrians walking around at night (or both!).

Vertical Elements

Vertical elements add visual weight, helping to balance your steps. You could choose to add columns or use wrought iron or stone balusters and railings. If you prefer a more traditional look, opt for brick steps rather than wood. Or go modern by using glass panels as the vertical element on your front steps.

We hope you’ve found some inspiration from these ideas to spruce up your front steps. We know that the front door is the first impression for guests, so it’s important to make a good one! If you have any questions about our products or want help with a project like this one, please contact Aladdin Inc. We have been working with Connecticut homeowners for years to give them the house they always dreamed of.




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