How to Make Your Oil Heat Last Longer This Winter

house surrounded by snow

As temperatures drop, we remember how precious our home heating oil really is. We all want our homes to be warm when we wake up, and when we come home from work, but at what cost? The colder it gets, the faster we have to incur yet another charge to refill our oil tanks. Although there isn’t much you can do about the price of oil itself (except shop around for a better deal), there are some strategies you can use to make your oil last longer.

Use a Programmable Thermostat To Heat Your Home Only When People Are There

Many people make the mistake of heating their homes all day long–even when nobody is there! Don’t do this. Instead, lower the thermostat to about 60 degrees when it’s vacant, and raise it when you know people will be there. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use a programmable thermostat. This way, you don’t have to remember to lower it when you leave the house. In addition, a programmable thermostat allows you to raise the temperature in the wee hours of the morning, before you wake up. Trust us: you’ll find it much easier to get up for work when the house is nice and toasty.

Find & Eliminate Drafts

Gaps in windows and doors could be costing you more than you think. There are many strategies you can use to find and either eliminate or severely reduce drafts in your home.

Close Heating Vents In Vacant Rooms

Do you have vacant rooms that don’t actually get used? If you do, then you should close the heating vents in them. Remember that you should only heat rooms that people inhabit.

Upgrade Your Furnace Or Boiler

If your furnace or boiler is more than 10 years old, then it may be worth upgrading to a more efficient model. Modern furnaces and boilers use less energy than their older counterparts.

Invest In Energy Efficient Windows

While upgrading to new equipment may seem counter-intuitive right now, it can certainly save you money in the long run. If you were unable to eliminate drafts from your windows, then you should strongly consider replacing them with new, vinyl replacement windows. If you’re interested in taking this productive step toward a more efficient household, then contact Aladdin Inc: we only install the most efficient windows available.

We’re the leader in Connecticut for vinyl replacement windows, retractable patio covers, railing installations, canopies & awnings and entry & patio doors. We specialize in retractable awning installation and can help you transform your outdoor space. Our professional staff can help you choose the products that are best for your home.


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