How to Prep Your Home for Spring in the Wintertime

green retractable awning installation on house

You may be sick of the cold weather here in Connecticut, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel: spring is right around the corner. And if you want your home to look it’s very best when spring rolls around, it’s important that you prep it for warmer weather now. The following tips will help get your home ready for spring—even if it feels like winter still has a long way to go!

Check your roof and foundation

When the weather is cold, many homeowners don’t want to go out on their roofs. But this is the best time of year to check for leaks and other problems that could become worse if left unchecked. Have a professional come out who can check for things like water stains on the ceiling and walls inside your home. If you’ve done any remodeling in recent years, they can also check for signs that contractors have patched up damage or installed new shingles without proper ventilation (which leads to mold growth).

Since we get our fair share of snow here in CT too, you should make sure there aren’t any ice dams forming around gutters or eaves by running your hand along them. You should feel no icicles at all; if there are any, they should be removed immediately before they cause damage. Ice dams form when the snow melts off a roof and runs down into valleys between shingles—usually under eave overhangs—where it freezes again into sheets of solid ice. These sheets then prevent melted snow from draining away as fast as it should so when warmer weather arrives again later in springtime (or even summer), they’ll melt enough causing water to pool up around gutters or eaves instead of draining directly away; this pooling can lead ultimately cause rot or mold growth inside walls where there’s been no prior problem beforehand!

Do a thorough pre-spring cleaning

One of the best ways to prepare your home for spring is to do a thorough pre-spring cleaning. It’ll make the job much easier once the weather warms up. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Clean all surfaces, including floors and carpets
  • Wash windows and mirrors
  • Vacuum carpets and rugs
  • Clean all furniture (including sofas, chairs, bed frames, tables)
  • Dust all surfaces in each room (including ceiling fans)

Get an awning for your patio or deck

You’ve probably seen awnings on homes and businesses, but what exactly are they? Awnings are essentially big pieces of fabric or plastic that cover the outside area of your home. They can be used in all seasons to protect from rain, snow, and heat. Awnings come in many different forms: metal, wood, and vinyl to name a few. Many people use them for their patios or decks so that they can enjoy them even when the weather isn’t perfect! Winter is a great time to prep for spring. It’s also a great time to buy an awning for your home!

Once installed there are several other reasons why having an outdoor living space covered by an awning is such an awesome idea: It protects against bugs like mosquitoes which love hanging out near windows where they find light; it gives privacy while still allowing sunrays inside during winter months so plants don’t die off due lack thereof; it helps keep moisture levels down inside allowing mold growths to not develop over time if properly maintained regularly cleaned.

Aladdin, Inc. is the leader in Connecticut for vinyl replacement windowspatio awningsrailing installations, canopies & awnings, entry doorsstorm doorsvinyl sidinggutter guards, and commercial awnings.

We are also experts in retractable awnings and can help you transform your exterior space. Call (203) 776-9996 today.


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