Modernize Your Home’s Siding with These Ideas

vinyl replacement double hung windows

Siding has been popular for decades, but home design trends are constantly changing. Some new takes on traditional siding have been catching on recently. If you’re thinking about making changes to your home’s exterior to modernize its appearance, here are some vinyl siding design ideas to consider.

Explore New Ways to Accent Your Home’s Design

Vinyl siding is usually installed with the panels running horizontally, but some homeowners have been embracing a new trend. Vinyl siding panels can be installed vertically in select areas, such as around doors and windows and near the roof, to serve as an accent. This versatile design option can make your house look more modern than others on the street.

Another option is to combine colors in ways that create a bold contrast. For example, you can choose a darker color for your home’s siding and complement it with trim in a much lighter color. That combination can give your house a sleek and modern look.

Some homeowners use contrasting colors for siding, but they don’t choose shades that are far apart from each other on the color wheel. Instead, they select different hues that are in the same color family. If you take that route, you can combine two or more colors that are similar, but different enough to create visual interest.

The idea of mixing and matching different types of cladding is catching on. If you want to modernize your home’s appearance and make it stand out from others in the neighborhood, you can combine siding panels in different sizes and colors.

Get a Quote for New Vinyl Siding

If you would like to upgrade and modernize your Connecticut home’s appearance but need help choosing the right siding, contact Aladdin. We’ve been helping homeowners across the state beautify their homes since 1949.

Our team can install attractive, durable, and energy-efficient vinyl siding that will instantly transform your house’s appearance. We offer a wide range of colors and styles that can be combined to create contrast and visual interest and modernize your home’s design.

When it comes to choosing vinyl siding, it can be difficult to figure out which type and which color or colors would work best on your home. A member of our team can describe the products we offer and show you the wide array of colors available so you can make an informed decision. Contact Aladdin today to learn more about your options or to request a quote for vinyl siding installation.


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