How To Prevent Mold On Window Sills

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If you want to keep your home’s atmosphere clean and healthy, then it’s important to prevent, identify, and if you already have it, get rid of mold as soon as possible. While mold can manifest in various spots throughout the home–basements, attics, bedrooms–window sills remain one of the most common areas.  Before we explain how you can prevent mold from growing on your window sills, let’s first cover what causes mold to grow in the first place.

What Causes Mold to Grow on Windows?

Two main components give life to mold: moisture and organic matter (such as wood). Mold can grow at any time of the year. In the summer, it’s often humidity that creates mold; in the winter, condensation is usually responsible. Now that you know what causes mold, we’ll explain how you can prevent it from growing on your window sills.

How to Prevent Mold From Growing On Your Windows

Here are a few actionable things you can do to prevent mold from growing on your windows.

  • Maintain a Steady Airflow By Keeping Your Thermostat Fan On –  A steady airflow prevents mold from building up. If your thermostat has a fan setting, then keep it set to “on” all year round. If it doesn’t, then keep your fans on. We know: this isn’t ideal in the winter; however, you can keep them on during the day when you’re at work or school.
  • Wipe Away Condensation – Seems like a no-brainer right? Check your window sills for condensation regularly, and if you see any, then wipe it away.
  • Dust Your Home Once a Week – Mold loves dust; lots of dust gives mold incentive to grow and thrive; therefore, make sure to rid your home of dust on a weekly basis. If you don’t have time to sweep or vacuum that often, then consider investing in a robot vacuum

What To Do If You Find Mold On Your Window

If you find mold growing on your windows, then don’t worry: all you need is a mixture of water and bleach. While wearing protective gloves, apply a 50% water / 50% bleach solution to the entire window frame and window sill, and dry it with a towel.

Want to Replace Your Windows? Contact Aladdin Inc


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