Protecting Your Home Against Severe Weather: Impact-Resistant Windows, Doors and Shutters

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It’s not your imagination: weather events are becoming more extreme. The intensity of extreme drought and rainfall has sharply increased over the past 20 years, according to a study published in the journal Nature Water. Changes to the climate are bringing more frequent storms, more intense hurricanes and more extreme temperature changes.

With this in mind, how do you protect your home and yard (and your family) from extreme weather events? The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) recommends that homeowners take the time now to equip their homes with the accessories they will need to withstand a severe storm. By undertaking the necessary preparations now, you can ensure that when the next storm hits, your home and family will remain secure.

Specifically, the NAHB recommends the following:

Seal the windows and doors. Leaky windows and doors are responsible for much of the damage that happens in storms. Upgrading doors and windows or sealing existing ones can prevent wind and water from entering through windows, cracks, entry doors and garage doors. Wind funneling through a home pushes upward, and could lift the roof, allowing heavy rain to damage the interior of your home. This step is particularly critical for homes in hurricane-prone regions. If your home’s windows are old, it may be time to consider replacing them or adding aluminum-frame storm windows that are custom-built for your home, getting the tightest possible fit over your existing windows.

Install shutters on all windows. While many homes today have decorative shutters, houses in storm-prone areas would benefit from functional shutters that are designed to protect windows, French doors, skylights and any other vulnerable opening to the home.

Consider installing steel doors. The NAHB recommends that homes in storm-prone areas consider installing steel entry doors. High winds can easily tear through double doors, French doors and sliding patio doors that have no structural support between the two sides. Steel doors are built to withstand impact and wind far better than traditional wooden or aluminum doors.

Install storm doors. Storm doors help protect your home during severe weather, and they also offer added thermal efficiency through winter, which can help you save money on heating costs.

Be sure your roof is up to date. The roof is one of the most vulnerable parts of your home. If you have roof damage, you may find water pouring into your home during a storm. Ensure all tiles are undamaged and that sealant is applied around vents, chimneys and other openings. In fact, you may wish to engage with a roofing specialist to evaluate the health of your roof.

An Exterior Contractor in Connecticut

Since 1949, Aladdin, Inc. has been Connecticut’s leader in vinyl replacement windows, retractable patio covers, exterior railing, canopies and awnings, entry and patio doors, storm doors and windows, vinyl siding, gutters, gutter guards and commercial awnings.

We provide services for the entire state of Connecticut and take great pride in our work and in the knowledge that we’ve helped transform countless houses into the homes of their owners’ dreams. For more information, call (203) 776-9996 or visit our website.


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